Today Top 3 News Stories || The Issue Of ‘Blasphemous Sketches’ & Background of ‘Blasphemous Sketches’ | Israeli Government Final Approval To Restore Ties With UAE | Trump, Joe Campaign Enters Last Week
Boycott of French products in Muslim countries
The French government has called on Arab countries to end their boycott of their products. Business organizations from several Arab countries, including Kuwait, announced a boycott of French products a few days ago and all European products were being removed from stores.
According to the news agency Reuters, the Arab countries announced a boycott of French products after the news of a French teacher showing ‘insulting sketches’ to children during class came to light a few days ago.The boycott was first announced by a coalition of more than 70 Kuwaiti business organizations against French products, followed by the removal of French products from stores across Kuwait.
The boycott came as French President Emmanuel Macron issued a controversial statement on October 23 saying France would not back down from “blasphemous sketches”. The French president made the statement after a teacher was beheaded in an attack in France on October 17, who showed “insulting sketches” to children at school. The French president attended the man’s last rites and called him a French hero, sparking protests around the world against the French president.
Demonstrations and boycotts against France began in the Muslim world after the exhibition of ‘blasphemous sketches’ in front of school children in France, the assassination of the exhibiting teacher and the subsequent declaration of him as a hero by the French president. According to the news agency Reuters, after the boycott of French products in the Middle East countries, the French Foreign Ministry appealed to the Arab countries to end the boycott. A statement from the French Foreign Ministry said, “The boycott and demonstrations against France for allegedly publishing and publishing ‘blasphemous sketches’ are fabricated.”
Background of ‘blasphemous sketches’
The first French weekly magazine, Charlie Hebdo, published “blasphemous sketches” in 2006, which drew worldwide protests, but in 2011 the magazine again published “blasphemous sketches”. The same magazine continued to publish ‘blasphemous sketches’ from time to time despite protests around the world, which were attacked by two brothers at its office on January 7, 2015, killing 12 people , including the magazine’s editor and five cartoonists. Were killed. Following the incident, the magazine stopped publishing ‘blasphemous sketches’ , but last year the magazine resumed publishing ‘insulting sketches’, which was protested by governments in Islamic countries around the world. Recorded. A schoolteacher was beheaded in the French capital, Paris, on October 17 this month for displaying “blasphemous sketches” published in his school at Charlie Hebdo. The teacher had shown old ‘blasphemous sketches’ during a freedom of expression class. Protests against Frances resumed around the world after the teacher’s assassination, and during the teacher’s last rites on October 23, the French president declared him a hero.
The Israeli government has given final approval to restore ties with Abu Dhabi
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